Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tantrum Thursday

It's that time...the week is almost over but you can't take it anymore. Come one get it off your'll feel much better!

Me:I can’t stand office whisperers. Let me clarify this…I can’t stand office whisperers that are in the cube right next to me. Now for the closest people next to me you know that I am a VERY nosey person. It’s who I am and I’m proud of it. But when people are in the cube next to me whispering I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. They need to stop already. Don’t they know they are giving me a headache cause I’m straining so hard to listen! If I was in Harry Potter Land then I would bust out my extendable ear on those biyatches! (that was for all my nerds out there)

C:My Tantrum is the stupid people who think they can cut you off to get into the fast lane in the highway and then they reduce their speed to about 60 making you brake because you are already going 80 like a bat out of hell because you are running late for work, and these people wonder how accidents happen....

oh, and the old lady who lives in the apartment under my mother in law......This lady called the cops on my children because they were too loud....Cmon lady, it is 2pm in the afternoon, and the kids are playing on the balcony...they are 4 and 5 years old for God's Sake, how can that possible be a noise violation, GET A LIFE!!!

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