Thursday, June 16, 2011

I am but a Cow and work is my Pasture....

So, ordinarily I would have run this theory by the Bestie before sharing it with ANYONE else, but she is in a wonderful world called VACATION....say it with me "LUCKYYYY!!! (breathy tone)"

So, I just came back to work from Maternity Leave...and don't say lucky in that breathy tone, this leave was HELL! Anyways, I started looking around at the cubicles and saw everyone munching constantly all day while working. I started imagining a pasture full of cows with nothing to do but munch and gain weight to profit their owners...Isn't that what we are doing...sitting in our Pasture (workplace), eating whether it is out of stress, boredom, or just plain hunger. Eventually we become enslaved to our desk, we don't want to leave it. We don't get up to take a brisk walk during breaktime, or even a brief walk to stretch our legs after sitting all day. Then we start fighting over the closer parking spaces because we don't want to walk more than a few steps to get to our desk. Since our job only requires us to sit at our desk and produce work we are more than happy to do so and we profit our employer...just saying, perhaps i am wrong...but what if...WHAT theory is true?? Why else do our employers provide us with vending machines full of fattening sweets? Why else do we get rewarded with food for work well done, Why not gift cards, or bonuses??

Well, that was my personal tantrum for our long neglected tantrum Thursday :-) and I Miss You Bestie, hope you are living up in Vacationland!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I so agree with this one. And I "Partied like it was 1999"...ok not really but it was great none the less. And why was 1999 the party year...i don't get it??


"There's more to life than sex and sunbathing"-Da Mama